Get to know us!
Denzil Ferreira
My research interests are on technology-driven human behavior sensing and modeling, juxtaposing methods from large-scale data analysis, sensor instrumentation, applied machine learning, mobile and ubiquitous computing to understand and study a variety of human behavioral and social phenomena in naturalistic settings.
Elina Kuosmanen
I'm a doctoral researcher focusing on mobile sensing and ubiquitous computing. My research is a part of STOP project, and I try to find ways to use technology in managing Parkinson’s disease. We use wearables and sensor data for measuring symptom level and medication. The aim is to produce data for supporting the treatment decisions and wellbeing.
I have worked in the wireless communication area in the industry for a long time, and I have a master’s degree in applied mathematics.
Kennedy Opoku Asare
My ongoing PhD work investigates the early detection and progression of depression , leveraging human behavior modeling with applied machine learning, smartphone and wearable sensor instrumentation.
I received my MSc in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Oulu, Finland and my BSc in Computer Science from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana. Before joining the academia, I worked as a full-stack software developer of financial solutions, and as a UNICEF Consultant in Ghana.
Panagiotis Kostakos
Yuuki Nishiyama
I'm a Research Associate at Institute of Industrial Science in The University of Tokyo, Japan. I received M.S.(2014) and Ph.D. in Media and Governance (2017) from Keio University in Japan, respectively. I had worked in UBICOMP-CIA as a post-doctoral researcher among 1.5 years (2018-2019), and now I'm collaborating with the group continually from Japan. My current research interests include ubiquitous computing systems, mobile and wearable sensing platform, and human ability augmentation. Feel free to visit my web-site for getting more my works or contact me.
Valerii Kan
My research interests were mobile computing, sensor instrumentation and ubiquitous computing. I received master degree in Information Processing Science in 2018. My PhD work was focused on leveraging accessibility of ubiquitous devices and applying it into use for Parkinson's disease observation. The study is aimed on designing of novel means for screening symptoms of Parkinson's patients in a regular and distant manner. I've since left academia to pursue a career in industry.